Andrea is the "go-to" Life Coach for men because she is straight forward and understands how they think. She is passionate about helping them with relationship issues, career changes, empty nest syndrome, divorce, confidence/self-esteem, health/weight and wellness issues.
For example, having a Life Coach is especially helpful for the newly single man. When a man gets divorced he loses his best friend and confidante, and in some cases he starts feeling insecure. He may appear to have it all together but behind the tough exterior lies a man who is broken, angry and lost. Staying angry is a way to avoid pain. If the pain isn’t processed correctly it affects everything in his life; his health, children, work and all future relationships.
Andrea is straight forward (New Yorker), results driven and inspiring. Her compassionate and non-judgmental personality makes it easy for clients to open up to her. Her style and sense of humor are an extra bonus. Her goal is to help people believe in themselves as opposed to just “thinking positive” which she thinks is a lot of BS. Using her unique “flip it” approach clients are able to take the focus off what is wrong and redirect their energy to “what they want.” Andrea goes over and beyond for her clients- staying in touch through emails and texts so they stay on track between sessions. With Andrea, nothing is off the table, she has “heard it all” and plans on hearing a lot more! Andrea Gross is much MORE THAN A LIFE COACH